

Education Overview

By pairing the warmth of passionate teachers together with cutting edge technology, Echoes provides students with an engaging and rigorous educational experience, while removing burdens from overloaded teacher schedules.

The Breakdown

From the curriculum, to the games, to the automated grading and reporting systems, every piece of Echoes has been honed to provide students with a personalized, inspiring, and engaging education. Echoe’s curriculum begins with our highly experienced authors, including long-time teachers and PhD candidates, who write a curriculum that is segmented into small digestible lessons that teach the ideas in chunks that are easy to understand. The written lessons are then recorded by our team of fun and quirky educators who love presenting the lessons in personal ways that keep the students guessing and laughing. Each video is around 3 minutes long and clearly presents the topic in a way that any student can understand.

Learning Meets Fun

Once the curriculum is recorded, it is delivered through an innovative online platform that adapts to the student and encourages engagement through games, badges, and the opportunity to explore an exciting digital world. Echoes uses daily missions, mini-games, a role-playing world, earned currency, and even student community to flesh out a rich and robust digital world that encourages students to invest in their education and their community. In addition to fun, the platform offers innovative practice opportunities with real time feedback and fun settings to offer students the opportunity to refine their skills far beyond what is available in typical school settings.

Our Goal

Echoes is built to maximize easy implementation for teachers and administrators. The program tracks student progress, grades their work, including writing, and optionally notifies you each day of student achievements. Echoes also supports easily accessible report cards that can be printed at any time to show progress.