Boost your classroom with Echoes—personalized learning made fun.
Spark student success with engaging, personalized learning! Easily track progress, allowing teachers to focus on instruction and building relationships.
Less Grunt Work, More Great Work
Echoes was crafted by longtime educators for educators. We experienced years of seeking to engage students despite facing overwhelming amounts of planning, grading, and managing the classroom that prevented us from doing the work we really wanted to do. Here at Echoes we deeply believe in the value and professionalism of teachers, and we empower teachers to specialize in the parts of the job they love most. Echoes is designed to remove distractions and busy work, allowing you to spend your day inspiring and connecting to students.
Take attendance in 10 seconds!
By creating an automated system to grade assignments and maintain the gradebook, by simplifying tasks like taking attendance, and by designing adaptive instruction and practice that ensures each student receives an education tailored to their needs, Echoes frees teachers to focus on instruction and relationships. Echoes also relies on a deeply integrated gamification system that helps make managing the classroom much easier.
Automate the gradebook.
Adapting to Each Student
Each and every student is on a different journey, and we ought to find the unique forms of support that each student needs to thrive in that journey. Echoes creates a unique MathPath for each student based on their strengths and weaknesses, providing students with automatically generated, administered, and graded assignments. You just select the amount of time you want each student to practice and Echoes will handle the rest! In the wake of the pandemic, many students have gaps in their knowledge, causing them to struggle in grade level assignments. These gaps are extremely difficult for classroom teachers to repair since each student has different weaknesses and requires individual instruction impossible for teachers to offer to each individual. By assigning your student practice time in Echoes, you can rest easy knowing that each student’s needs are being met through targeted practice and, when necessary, individualized instruction.
Transforming the Classroom into a Learning Playground
Most classrooms work the same as they did 100 years ago. Teachers attempt to keep students sitting quietly as they complete assignments. Echoes changes that. Instead of worksheets and silence, invigorate your classroom with fun, laughter, and learning. Using Echoes, students complete assignments through a variety of games both single and multiplayer that keep them engaged and learning. As they complete work, they are rewarded with time to develop character in a full-featured role player game, play turn-based games against their friends, or push further in their educational journey by playing the many math games offered through the Echoes arcade. Transform your classroom from worksheets and tedium to fun and engagement that keeps students on task and striving to succeed.
Math Dash: Trade in math worksheets for multiplayer gaming.
Computer Control
No more looking over student shoulders.